Saturday 5 June 2021

Active Invoice Remit-To Bank Account Number from Supplier Header Banking Details



"Supplier Name", "vendor_site_code",

"Vendor Category", "Supplier Number",

 "Concern Dept","Supplier Creation date",

 "Supplier Inactive date" ,  -- "Supplier site Inactive date",


 NVL(  "Payment method on Site","Payment method on Supplier") "Payment method" ,

 "Account Number",   "Address", "Email"

 from ( select   sup.party_id,

sup.vendor_name "Supplier Name",

ss.vendor_site_code  "vendor_site_code",

 sup.vendor_type_lookup_code "Vendor Category",

       sup.segment1 "Supplier Number",

       sup.attribute1 "Concern Dept",

        trunc(sup.creation_date) "Supplier Creation date",


         trunc(sup.end_date_active) "Supplier Inactive date",


        -- trunc( ss.inactive_date) "Supplier site Inactive date",


          (case when trunc(sup.end_date_active) >= sysdate then 'ACTIVE'

         when sup.end_date_active is null then 'ACTIVE'

           else 'INACTIVE' end)  "Status",


      (select rr.payment_method_code

          from apps.IBY_EXT_PARTY_PMT_MTHDS rr

         where rr.primary_flag = 'Y'

           and rr.ext_pmt_party_id =

               (select bb.ext_payee_id

                  from apps.iby_external_payees_all bb

                 where bb.org_id is null

                  /*This One Addedd */  and bb.party_site_id is null

                   and bb.payee_party_id =

                       (select cc.payee_party_id   

                          from apps.iby_external_payees_all cc

                         where cc.org_id = ss.org_id

                           and cc.party_site_id = ss.party_site_id

                           and cc.supplier_site_id = ss.vendor_site_id))) "Payment method on Supplier",   



       (  SELECT  ieppm.payment_method_code


       FROM apps.ap_supplier_sites_all assa,

            apps.ap_suppliers sup1,

            apps.iby_external_payees_all iepa,

            apps.iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds ieppm

      WHERE  sup1.vendor_id = assa.vendor_id

        --AND assa.pay_site_flag = 'Y'

        AND assa.vendor_site_id = iepa.supplier_site_id

        AND iepa.ext_payee_id = ieppm.ext_pmt_party_id

          and iepa.org_id = assa.org_id

        AND ((ieppm.inactive_date IS NULL) OR (ieppm.inactive_date > SYSDATE)


            and sup1.vendor_id = sup.vendor_id

        AND assa.vendor_site_id = ss.vendor_site_id

       and iepa.org_id = ss.org_id

        AND ieppm.primary_flag = 'Y'

   )  "Payment method on Site",


         (   SELECT


from apps.iby_pmt_instr_uses_all uses,

apps.iby_external_payees_all payee,

apps.iby_ext_bank_accounts accts,

--apps.fnd_currencies_vl fc,

apps.HZ_PARTIES bank,


apps.CE_BANK_BRANCHES_V branch

where uses.instrument_type = 'BANKACCOUNT'

and payee.ext_payee_id = uses.ext_pmt_party_id

and payee.payee_party_id =sup.party_id

and uses.instrument_id = accts.ext_bank_account_id

--and fc.currency_code(+) = accts.currency_code

AND sysdate between NVL(accts.start_date, sysdate-1) AND

NVL(accts.end_date, sysdate+1)

AND accts.bank_id = bank.party_id(+)

AND accts.bank_id = bankProfile.party_id(+)

AND accts.branch_id = branch.branch_party_id(+)

and SYSDATE between TRUNC(bankProfile.effective_start_date(+)) and

NVL(TRUNC(bankProfile.effective_end_date(+)), SYSDATE + 1)

and SYSDATE between TRUNC(uses.start_date(+)) and

NVL(TRUNC(uses.end_date(+)), SYSDATE + 1)

--and ( trunc(uses.end_date) is null or trunc(uses.end_date) >= sysdate)

--and trunc(uses.end_date) is null

and nvl(payee.org_id,693) = 693

and uses.order_of_preference = ( SELECT



from apps.iby_pmt_instr_uses_all uses,

apps.iby_external_payees_all payee,

apps.iby_ext_bank_accounts accts,

apps.fnd_currencies_vl fc,

apps.HZ_PARTIES bank,


apps.CE_BANK_BRANCHES_V branch

where uses.instrument_type = 'BANKACCOUNT'

and payee.ext_payee_id = uses.ext_pmt_party_id

and payee.payee_party_id = sup.party_id

and uses.instrument_id = accts.ext_bank_account_id

and fc.currency_code(+) = accts.currency_code

AND sysdate between NVL(accts.start_date, sysdate-1) AND

NVL(accts.end_date, sysdate+1)

AND accts.bank_id = bank.party_id(+)

AND accts.bank_id = bankProfile.party_id(+)

AND accts.branch_id = branch.branch_party_id(+)

and SYSDATE between TRUNC(bankProfile.effective_start_date(+)) and

NVL(TRUNC(bankProfile.effective_end_date(+)), SYSDATE + 1)

and SYSDATE between TRUNC(uses.start_date(+)) and

NVL(TRUNC(uses.end_date(+)), SYSDATE + 1)

--and ( trunc(uses.end_date) is null or trunc(uses.end_date) >= sysdate)

--and trunc(uses.end_date) is null

and nvl(payee.org_id,693) = 693  )

                )  "Account Number",

       ss.address_line1 || ', ' || ss.address_line2 || ', ' ||ss.address_line3 "Address",

      -- sup.num_1099 CNIC,

      -- sup.vat_registration_num NTN,







                 (  SELECT  max(accts.bank_account_name)

          from iby_pmt_instr_uses_all   uses,

               iby_external_payees_all  payee,

               iby_ext_bank_accounts    accts,

               fnd_currencies_vl        fc,

               HZ_PARTIES               bank,

               HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES bankProfile,

               CE_BANK_BRANCHES_V       branch

         where uses.instrument_type = 'BANKACCOUNT'

           and payee.ext_payee_id = uses.ext_pmt_party_id

        and payee.payee_party_id = sup.party_id

           and uses.instrument_id = accts.ext_bank_account_id

           and fc.currency_code(+) = accts.currency_code

           AND sysdate between NVL(accts.start_date, sysdate) AND

               NVL(accts.end_date, sysdate)

           AND accts.bank_id = bank.party_id(+)

           AND accts.bank_id = bankProfile.party_id(+)

           AND accts.branch_id = branch.branch_party_id(+)

           and SYSDATE between TRUNC(bankProfile.effective_start_date(+)) and

               NVL(TRUNC(bankProfile.effective_end_date(+)), SYSDATE + 1)

               and nvl(payee.org_id,693) = 693

              -- and (trunc(uses.end_date) is null or trunc(uses.end_date) not between '01-DEC-2017' and '30-NOV-2021')

                )  "Account title",


                (  SELECT  max(trunc(accts.creation_date))

          from iby_pmt_instr_uses_all   uses,

               iby_external_payees_all  payee,

               iby_ext_bank_accounts    accts,

               fnd_currencies_vl        fc,

               HZ_PARTIES               bank,

               HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES bankProfile,

               CE_BANK_BRANCHES_V       branch

         where uses.instrument_type = 'BANKACCOUNT'

           and payee.ext_payee_id = uses.ext_pmt_party_id

        and payee.payee_party_id = sup.party_id

           and uses.instrument_id = accts.ext_bank_account_id

           and fc.currency_code(+) = accts.currency_code

           AND sysdate between NVL(accts.start_date, sysdate) AND

               NVL(accts.end_date, sysdate)

           AND accts.bank_id = bank.party_id(+)

           AND accts.bank_id = bankProfile.party_id(+)

           AND accts.branch_id = branch.branch_party_id(+)

           and SYSDATE between TRUNC(bankProfile.effective_start_date(+)) and

               NVL(TRUNC(bankProfile.effective_end_date(+)), SYSDATE + 1)

               and nvl(payee.org_id,693) = 693

            --   and (trunc(uses.end_date) is null or trunc(uses.end_date) not between '01-DEC-2017' and '30-NOV-2021')

                )  "Account Opening date",

       null "Account Title",

       null "Account Opening date",


       select hcp1.phone_number

from hz_contact_points  hcp1

where hcp1.owner_table_id(+) = ss.party_site_id

           and hcp1.CONTACT_POINT_TYPE(+) = 'PHONE'

           and hcp1.phone_line_type(+) = 'GEN'

           and hcp1.status(+) = 'A'

           and hcp1.owner_table_name(+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'

           and hcp1.primary_flag(+) = 'Y'




       select hcp2.email_address

from apps.hz_contact_points  hcp2

where hcp2.owner_table_id(+) = ss.party_site_id

           and hcp2.CONTACT_POINT_TYPE(+) = 'EMAIL'

           and hcp2.status(+) = 'A'

           and hcp2.owner_table_name(+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'

           and hcp2.primary_flag(+) = 'Y'

)  "Email"

/*       sup.vendor_type_lookup_code "Occupation/Services type",

       trunc(sup.last_update_date) "Last Updation date",



   (select user_name  from fnd_user  v where v.user_id = sup.created_by) "Vendor Openned By",



   (select count(b.invoice_id)  

   from ap_checks_all a, ap_invoice_payments_all b 

   where a.check_id = b.check_id

  -- and ( a.void_date is null or trunc(a.void_date) not between '01-DEC-2017' and '30-NOV-2021')

   and a.vendor_id = sup.vendor_id

   and a.vendor_site_id = ss.vendor_site_id and a.org_id = ss.org_id

   ) "Total Number of purchases", 


    select sum(b.amount)  

    from ap_checks_all a, ap_invoice_payments_all b 

    where a.check_id = b.check_id

  -- and ( a.void_date is null or trunc(a.void_date) not between '01-DEC-2017' and '30-NOV-2021')

   and a.vendor_id = sup.vendor_id

   and a.vendor_site_id = ss.vendor_site_id and a.org_id = ss.org_id

   ) "Total Payment received",



   null "CAAML Status"*/


  FROM apps.ap_suppliers sup, apps.ap_supplier_sites_all ss

 WHERE sup.vendor_id = ss.vendor_id

 --and trunc(sup.creation_date) between '01-DEC-2017' and '30-NOV-2021'

 --and sup.vendor_name ='NOOR ALAM'

  and ss.org_id = 693

  order by sup.segment1 desc



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