Friday 4 May 2018

How to End Date Bank Account?

To End Date or Inactivate Bank account, first Bank Account use must be end dated before bank account is end dated. Please follow steps as follows:

Step 1: End Date Bank Account Use
 1). Select you Bank Account
2). Click Update
3). Click Account Access
4). Click Access
5). Update Use End Date, This end date to determine when the bank account use is considered inactive.
Repeat steps for all other Use Organizations
Save and Next and Finish.
Once all the Bank account Use Organization is End Dated, then :

Step 2: End Date Bank Account: 
1). Select you Bank Account
2). Click Update
3). Click to Go to Account Information
4). Enter start and end dates or only end date to determine when the bank account is considered inactive.
Save and Next and Finish.

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