Wednesday 24 February 2016

Remit to Supplier

We are facing an issue in 12.2.4 that in invoice header "Remit to Supplier name" field is blank when we enter invoice but In the previous version of 12.0.6 it was not blank,it shows Supplier Name when we enter invoice.So we are facing some issues so kindly guide us about this issue. 

Starting with 12.1.1 and above, it is intended functionality that Remit to Supplier and site are not mandatory on invoice workbench. 
Hence the fields do not have defaults like in 12.0 

If the invoice requires payment to be made to a third party, user can use the LOV for the field and choose a third party. 
Please note that in Payables Options , Invoices tab the option Allow Remit-To Supplier Override needs to be set up. 

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