Saturday 29 June 2019

AP Supplier jsp Page error: ERRNO, -20001, N, REASON, ORA-20001: APP-FND-02902: Multi-Org profile option is required - Oracle EBS R12

"You have encountered an unexpected error. Please contact the System Administrator for assistance".
The exception details show the following errors:
JBO-30003: The application pool
(erpdb.maxims.comprod1521oracle.apps.pos.supplier.server.SuppSummAM) failed to checkout an
application module due to the following exception:
oracle.jbo.JboException: JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught:
oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException, msg=Application: FND, Message Name: FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE.
Tokens: MESSAGE = java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20001: SQL_PLSQL_ERROR: N, ROUTINE, MO_GLOBAL.INIT,
N, ERRNO, -20001, N, REASON, ORA-20001: APP-FND-02902: Multi-Org profile option is required.
Please set either MO: Security Profile or MO: Operating Unit profile option.
ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_MESSAGE", line 509
ORA-06512: at "APPS.MO_GLOBAL", line 36
ORA-06512: at "APPS.MO_GLOBAL", line 757
ORA-06512: at "APPS.MO_GLOBAL", line 700
ORA-06512: at line 1


Set the 'MO: Security Profile' profile option at Responsibility level as required.

Run Security List Maintenance concurrent program (from HRMS responsibility).

Restart Apache server.

Saturday 8 June 2019

Which Date is Applicable for WHT Deduction when WHT Deduction is at Payment Time - Oracle EBS R12

Apply Withholding Tax: At Payment Time

Payment Date must be grater than or Equals to (>=) Effective Date of Withholding Tax when WHT Deduction is at Payment time.

If Payment date is less then Effective Date of WHT, then the below error will occur

Friday 7 June 2019

How to Apply Credit Memo to invoice in Oracle Payables - Oracle EBS R12

In this below post, We will Create the Credit Memo in Oracle Payables and then Apply this credit Memo in the Standard Payables Invoice.

These are the Below Steps We will perform to Apply Credit Memo in Oracle Payable.

1: Enter a Credit/Debit Memo in the Invoice Workbench. Enter a negative amount. Do not manually enter the distributions. 

2: In the Match Action field scroll to Match Action field. Using drop down select Invoice. 

3: Click on the Correction button.

4: Enter search criteria for the invoice, in the Find Documents for Correction window. Click on the Find button. 
Payables navigates to the Invoice Corrections window.
To see more information about an invoice, you can select it and click on the Invoice Overview button.

5: Select the invoice and enter a Credit Amount.
You can do the line level matching by clicking on Select Lines button.
Select each invoice line you want to match to and enter a Credit Amount.

6: Choose the Correct button to correct the invoice.
To review the new invoice lines, choose the lines tab from the Invoices window.


Steps to match a credit memo to a matched invoice:
  • Create PO,
  • Quantity = 10, unit price = 1,
  • Save it and approved it.
  • Create an invoice for amount = 10,
  • Match to the PO,
  • Save it and validate it.
  • Create a credit memo for amount = -10,
  • On the header, still set Match Option = PO,
  • Then press the Correction button,
  • Then fill in the Invoice number which is matched to the PO,
  • Then press Find button,
  • Then fill in correction Amount = -10,
  • Press Correct button,
  • A corrected invoice line and distributions will be auto created for you.

Steps to match a credit memo to a non-matched invoices:
  • Create an invoice for amount = 10,
  • Not match,
  • Save it and validate it.
  • Create a credit memo for amount = -10,
  • Set Match Option = Invoice on the header,
  • Press Corrections button,
  • Only can find non-matched invoices to be corrected.
  • Find Documents for Correction window should appear
  • Enter the Invoice Number you wish to correct,
  • Results will be displayed,
  • Select the invoice you wish to correct,
  • Then fill in correction Amount = -10,
  • Press Correct button,
  • A corrected invoice line and distributions will be auto created for you.

Steps to match a credit memo to a line of a Standard invoice:
  • Create a standard invoice, validate it.
  • Create a new credit memo for the same supplier site,
  • Set Match Option = Invoice on the header level,
  • Then create a new Line, save it,
  • Then press Corrections button,
  • Enter the Invoice Number you wish to correct,
  • Find the invoice, then press Select Lines button,
  • Then you can select the line you wish to correct,
  • Then press Correct to match to the line.
  • A new distribution will be created in the credit memo where the charge
  • Account has been taken from the matching invoice.

Thursday 6 June 2019

How to finish Partial Credit of a Supplier (Non Payable Amount) - Oracle EBS R12

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